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Student Life

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students promotes the personal and social development of our students through extracurricular activities that promote the health and well-being of all Albizu University (AU) members. We focus on a comprehensive perspective and offer complementary services such as individual counseling, tutoring, reasonable accommodations, and student associations, among others.

An Inclusive Community

A Place for Everyone

Our campuses offer a safe and open environment for all students. We also offer career planning resources.

The San Juan Campus and the Mayagüez University Center provide services to students in the Tutoring Center to assist them throughout their learning process and to strengthen basic skills and competencies. The objective of tutoring services is to promote high academic performance and help students develop study skills that facilitate and contribute to the learning process of university-level materials.

You can strengthen skills or competencies in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Spanish
  • Conversational English
  • Clinical skills
  • Concept development
  • Statistics
  • Psychopathology
  • Research

Tutoring Center services are available for students of Albizu University and community members. Students or people in the community can access these services free of charge by:

Albizu University does not currently offer student housing in its San Juan Campus or Mayagüez University Center. Our prime locations facilitate the search for alternative housing such as renting homes in surrounding areas. Nevertheless, the Dean of Students provides a list of potentially available facilities during orientation.

At Albizu University, you can collaborate with a specialist to write your CV (resumé), undergo an effective job search, and prepare for interviews in your chosen field.  Academic advisors in San Juan and Mayagüez collaborate with students to prepare professional plans and emphasize the necessary skills to enter the workforce.

Albizu University is an inclusive university and believes that education is for everyone. The university is committed to upholding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a national mandate that protects the civil rights of individuals with disabilities or functional diversity. This federal law states that a physical or mental impairment does not limit a person's right to participate in professional, academic, and personal areas in society.

  • For this reason, any student with a disability or functional diversity has the right to request reasonable accommodation to participate in a course, program, service, or facility that ensures that a student with a disability or functional diversity is not segregated or excluded. These reasonable modifications, which are based on the recommendations of a specialist, provide those students with the opportunity to perform on equal terms as students without disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis, within reasonable parameters, according to the impediment and individual needs of a student.
  •  The university’s service coordinator for students with disabilities or functional diversity will provide guidance and inform students of their rights as they go about requesting these services. Interested students may call (787) 725-6500, ext. 1588, 1570, or contact the licensed professional counselor by email. The licensed counselor is also available at the Mayagüez University Center.
  • Procedure to apply for reasonable accommodation services:
    • Request for reasonable modification services
    • Informed consent
    • Authorization for disclosure of information and records
    • Medical certification for reasonable modification

Clubs and Organizations


We are proud to say that there are 22 student groups in the San Juan Campus and the Mayagüez University Center. These groups represent their academic programs, organize activities to reflect what they have learned in the classroom by helping those less fortunate, and integrate new modalities into their respective disciplines. Most importantly, they redefine what a student group is. They have coordinated symposia and discussion groups, broken down barriers, and touched on legislative processes to speak for those without a voice. Our groups reflect Albizu University’s fundamental humanist spirit.

Our Organizations and Their Descriptions

Always looking forward to new ideas from students, we encourage communication, cooperation, and understanding among students, faculty, and the administration. We also look for ways to promote the best interest and objectives of the growing and active academic community. Contact: [email protected]

We are a student-focused organization working to sensitize future health professionals through an in-service learning experience with socially marginalized populations. We offer emotional support and harm reduction strategies to reduce risk through interventions that contribute to a better quality of life. Contact: [email protected]

Our mission is to develop the skills our students need to collaborate with professors and other research groups to carry out proposals and research in the field of health psychology. Contact: [email protected]

We promote a passion for our members’ chosen profession, foster leadership development, and advocate for the needs and interests of the students in the community. Contact: [email protected]

Our goal is to improve the quality of university life for students pursuing an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in speech and language therapy, so that they have an academic guide and enriching educational experiences that contribute to the community’s well-being. Contact: [email protected]

Our goal is to provide the necessary tools to spiritually prepare students through a Christian approach. Contact: [email protected]

Our goal is to create an environment of dialogue based on honesty and respect between students, faculty, and the association in order to enrich the academic experience and convey this group’s particular needs assertively and sensitively. Contact: [email protected]

The objectives of this organization are to promote extracurricular activities aimed at the community, establish agreements and collaborative alliances with government agencies, and develop research programs related to grief. [email protected]

The objectives of this association are to guide university students on the culture, mental health and well-being of the military population, veterans and their families, as well as stimulate the growth of the profession related to the military issue and stimulate students to perform research that promotes well-being with this population. [email protected]

Our mission is to serve as health professionals providing psychoeducational, training, and experiential services focused on the integration of psychological counseling, integral health, and overall well-being. Contact: [email protected]

Our goal is to delve into the ideal learning and educational methods that will allow students to develop their cognitive skills. As school psychologists, we are constantly exploring how learning takes place, especially in the context of educational centers. Contact: [email protected]

Our goal is to carry out activities to educate the population about our profession and services, as well as to create opportunities for the professional development of our active members. We also provide guidance for future graduate students regarding this field of psychology and its importance in our health and educational systems. Contact: [email protected]

Our goals are to offer recreational spaces for undergraduate students, promote their integration, and encourage diversity and respect. Contact: [email protected]

As a magazine, we focus on keeping our readers informed while promoting psychology from a positive perspective. Contact: [email protected]

Our mission is to contribute to the development of responsible and proactive leaders, through the academic, research, and practical development of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Contact:

Our goal is to create an alliance with the university community to provide a space where our members can develop their clinical and social skills in collaboration with professors and student advisors. Contact: [email protected]

Our mission is to contribute to the training of competent and responsible clinical psychologists who are committed to their profession, as well as to their integration into the community. Contact: [email protected]

The vision of the association is to enrich the practice of psychology with technological resources that innovate and help improve how our discipline is exercised. [email protected]

The mission of the organization is to motivate the student body and every applicant to be a professional and help understand and practice the empowerment of perseveringly serving all areas of mental health. [email protected]

Our purpose is to create an impact and boost our community’s quality of life, as well as develop our students’ sensitivity and skills, respect for multiculturalism, and reaffirm their social commitment. We achieve this by coordinating activities and offering voluntary services to a diverse population. Contact:

Our mission is to be an entity of change in our community by raising awareness of the different social, political, educational, and cultural contexts related to gender and sexual diversity. Contact: [email protected]

The mission of the association is to develop students capable of conducting evaluations and research proposals related to neuropsychology in collaboration with professionals and other research groups. [email protected]

Important Links

Community Standards

Code of Conduct

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Contact information

San Juan


Talk to a counselor

Mayagüez University Center

If you require more information or need help with the registration process, contact our team’s telephone hotline at our Mayagüez University Center.

San Juan Campus

If you require more information or need help with the registration process, contact our team’s telephone hotline at our San Juan Campus.

Online Campus

If you require more information about the online programs offered through our Online Campus, contact our team’s telephone hotline.

Join our student community!

Four Albizu University psychology students standing together
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