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Casa Albizu

Casa Albizu

Casa Albizu is a coordinated response program for probes of child and adolescent abuse, subsidized by the Administration for Families and Children (ADFAN) of the Puerto Rico Department of Family Services. Currently, the program has three service centers (San Juan, Ponce, and Camuy) that provide free evaluation services for child and adolescent sexual abuse allegations and psychotherapy to sexually abused children and adolescents and their families. Similarly, Casa Albizu is a training and clinical practice center for Clinical Psychology doctoral students at Albizu University. In addition, it offers training to professionals, talks, and workshops to the community on issues related to sexual abuse.

As part of its vision as a coordinated response center, the program has developed significant collaborative agreements with the judicial branch, the FBI, and ICE. It also collaborates with and has the advice of several Child Advocacy Centers in the United States. The program's professionals have specialized certifications in different components of forensic interviews, expert evaluation, forensic approaches to children with special needs, and various therapy models. Some of these certifications are unique in Puerto Rico.

The program began its work in 2001 as the Support Program for Victims of Sexual Abuse and their Families (PAF for its Spanish acronym), incorporating and gradually expanding services in the area of ​​evaluation, forensic interview, psychotherapy, preparation of children to face legal proceedings, and coordination of integrated services.

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Casa Albizu Team


Dra. Laura Rodríguez López

Directora Interina – Casa Albizu

Nancy L. Reyes Rivera, BSW

Coordinadora de Servicios

Marylena Resto Adorno

Asistente administrativa en Cupey

Yajaira Comas

Asistente administrativa en Camuy

Diana Pagán Oliveras

Asistente administrativa en Ponce

Mental Health

Dra. Michelle López Fernández

Facilitadora en Servicios de Salud Mental


Annette Pietri Pola, MSW

Facilitadora en la modalidad forense

María Deniz Ortiz Díaz, MSW

Facilitadora en la modalidad forense

Lizbeth M. Alicea Ríos, MSW

Evaluadora y entrevistadora forense

María Magdalena Santana

Evaluadora y entrevistadora forense

Jesús Aníbal Irizarry Rivera, MSW

Evaluador y entrevistador forense

Enidza Samot Feliciano, MSW

Evaluadora y entrevistadora forense

Brunymar Santos Colón, MSW

Evaluadora y entrevistadora forense

Glorimar Vega, MSW

Evaluadora y entrevistadora forense

Family Advocate

Félix X. Vega Rosa, MSW

Coordinador de Intercesoría de las Familias


Dra. Rebecca Rodríguez Pou

Médica experta en abuso sexual y maltrato físico.


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