Albizu University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), a voluntary, non-governmental, regional membership association currently serving higher education institutions in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other geographic areas.
The MSCHE assures students and the public of the educational quality of higher education. The Commission's accreditation process ensures institutional accountability, self-appraisal, improvement, and innovation through peer review and the rigorous application of standards within the context of institutional mission.
The Self-Study is an endeavor of utmost importance in the life of our institution which fundamentally pursues the reaffirmation of our institutional accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, scheduled for 2021. The Self-Study is an honest and transparent community-wide evaluation of our continuous fulfillment of our mission. It seeks institutional improvement, through the assessment and evaluation of our undertakings, opportunities and challenges, leading to a set of conclusions and recommendations moving forward in the next eight-year accreditation cycle.
Albizu University has been fully accredited since 1974 by complying with all standards of accreditation and requirements for affiliation.The University received reaffirmation of accreditation in 2015, and our next Self-Study Review is due in 2021. Here is the link to our status including the Statement of Accreditation from the MSCHE website.
Institutional Self-Study to Middle States Commission on Higher Education (4239 downloads)
Self-Study Institutional Working Groups Kick-Off Meeting (4564 downloads)
Middle States Self Study Org Structure & Members Feb 19 (7053 downloads)
Middle States VP Visit Feb 27 19 Schedule (4056 downloads)
Middle States 2019-21 Self-Study Institutional Team and Kick-Off Meeting (4429 downloads)
The Steering Committee is composed of the Steering Committee co-chairs, Accrediting Liaison Officer (ALO) , and the co-chairs of each working group. The working group for each standard and the Verification of Compliance group have equal representation from the San Juan (including Mayagüez University Center) and Miami campuses. Following is a list of the Steering Committee members:
Name | Position | Self-Study Role |
Jose Armando Perez | Dean of Academic Affairs, SJC | Steering Committee Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Irene M. Bravo | Dean of Academic Affairs & Director, Ph.D. in Human Services, MC | Steering Committee Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Rafael A. Melendez | Director, Assessment & Institutional Accreditation, Presidency | ALO, Facilitator |
Yolanda Rosario | Albizu Library Director, San Juan Campus | Std. I Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Scott Hyman | Associate Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, MC | Std. I Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Tania Rodriguez
Assistant Professor, M.S. in Counseling Psychology, MUC | Std. II Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Juan Zaragoza | Albizu Library Director, Miami Campus | Std. II Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Yahaira Segarra | Associate Professor, M.S. in Counseling Psychology, MUC | Std. III Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Kristen Farrell-Turner | Director, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, MC | Std. III Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Carmen Rivera-Laboy | Dean of Students, SJC | Std. IV Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Jeffrey Ellis | Director of Student Services, Miami Campus, SJC | Std. IV Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Jose Cabiya | Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Std. V Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Rafael Martinez | Director, Undergraduate Programs, MC | Std. V Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Carlos Rodriguez | Special Assistant, SJC Chancellor | Std. VI Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Luis Barreto | Director of Finance, MC | Std. VI Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Ricardo Del Rio | Alumnus & Trustee | Std. VII Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Diana Barroso | Director, Master’s Programs in Psychology & Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, MC | Std. VII Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Carmen Rivera-Laboy | Dean of Students, SJC & Title IV Institutional Monitor |
Compliance Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Julia De Llanos | Dean of Student Success & Enrollment Management, MC |
Compliance Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
The following sections address the general charges of the working groups and the specific charges and composition of each individual working group.
Specific Charges of Working Groups and Composition
Standard I – Mission and Goals
The institution’s mission defines its purpose within the context of higher education, the students it serves, and what it intends to accomplish. The institution’s stated goals are clearly linked to its mission and specify how the institution fulfills its mission.
Standard I Working Group Members
Yolanda Rosario | Albizu Library Director, San Juan Campus | Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus | |
Scott Hyman | Associate Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus | |
Lymaries Padilla
Research Training Director, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Nanet Lopez | Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Ruth Reyes | Human Resources Specialist, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Aida Luz Garcia | Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Irma Barron | Faculty, Master’s Programs Psychology, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Maryvelisse Carpintero | Adm. Assistant to the Chancellor, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Mirta Miranda | Special Assistant to the President & the Chancellor, MC & Group Advisor | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Examine how the mission and goals guide all aspects of the University.
§ Examine how successful the University is in fulfilling its mission and goals.
§ Consider innovative pathways to fulfill the University’s mission and goals.
Research Question:
1. How do curricular and co-curricular practices and all other institutional activities reflect Albizu’s mission and goals?
Standard II – Ethics and Integrity
Ethics and integrity are central, indispensable, and defining hallmarks of effective higher education institutions. In all activities, whether internal or external, an institution must be faithful to its mission, honor its contracts and commitments, adhere to its policies, and represent itself truthfully.
Standard II Working Group Members
Tania Rodriguez | Assistant Professor, M.S. in Counseling Psychology, MUC | Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Juan Zaragoza | Albizu Library Director, Miami Campus | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Maritza Maldonado | Associate Professor, M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus |
Maribel Matos | Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus |
Coralee Perez | Faculty, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus |
Elsa Vega | Human Resources Specialist, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Nancy Alvarez | Director of Admissions, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Evangelina Alonso | Associate Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, Director of Goodman Center | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Examine how the Albizu Strategic Plan reflects our community’s commitment to demonstrate ethical behavior and integrity in all activities.
§ Determine whether Albizu’s policies, procedures, and processes are performed in an ethical manner.
Research Questions:
1. How does the commitment to institutional ethics is reflected in all Albizu’s policies, procedures, and processes?
2. How are regulations, contract agreements and service programs performed in an honest and ethical manner?
3. What are the mechanisms to evaluate the adherence of policies, processes, and procedures to ethics and integrity criteria?
4. How are ethical practices and integrity maintained in project proposals?
Standard III – Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience
An institution provides students with learning experiences that are characterized by rigor and coherence at all program, certificate, and degree levels, regardless of instructional modality. All learning experiences, regardless of modality, program pace/schedule, level, and setting are consistent with higher education expectations.
Standard III Working Group Members
Yahaira Segarra | Associate Professor, M.S. in Counseling Psychology, MUC | Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus | |
Kristen Farrell-Turner | Director, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus | |
Youssef Ahmad | Associate Academic Dean, MUC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Jahgen De Jesus
Associate Professor, M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Marcos Reyes | Director, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology & Interim Director, Institutional Center for Scientific Research, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Gilda Rodriguez | Clinical Training Director, Albizu Clinic, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Israel Sanchez | Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Floralba Arbelo | Associate Professor, Undergraduate & Master’s Programs, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Francine Hamel | Assistant Professor, M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Elena Zablah | Enrollment Specialist, PhD in Human Services student, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Examine how Albizu’s mission is addressed in the programs offered.
§ Evaluate how Albizu programs achieve the highest standard of academic excellence.
Research Questions:
1. To what extent do the resources and facilities at Albizu support student learning?
2. What is the process to ensure continued improvement of teaching/learning practices? How is it assessed?
3. How is innovation embedded in teaching/learning practices?
4. How accurately do academic programs assess and evaluate the student learning outcomes of the programs and use those outcomes to implement needed changes in the student learning processes?
5. How qualified are Albizu faculty members to support the student learning process?
Standard IV Working Group Members
Carmen Rivera-Laboy | Dean of Students, SJC | Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus | |
Jeffrey Ellis | Director,Student Support Services, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus | |
Rosa Belvis
Dean of Enrollment Management, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Miguel Martinez | Professor, M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Antonio Escabi | Student, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Ineliz Figueroa | Counselor, Dean of Students, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Gabriela Fontan | Enrollment Specialist, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Isaac Tourgeman | Assistant Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Review how the Strategic Plan drives recruitment and admission for all programs.
§ Evaluate how Albizu’s mission is reflected in effective support services.
Research Questions:
1. Are there sufficient services to provide students with the support needed to achieve success?
2. How effective is the design and implementation of current student services in ensuring student success?
3. How adequate is the assessment process for ensuring the continued improvement of student services?
4. How innovative are Albizu student support services?
Standard V – Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Assessment of student learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution's students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, the institution's mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.
Standard V Working Group Members
Jose Cabiya | Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus | |
Rafael Martinez | Director, Undergraduate Programs & M.S. in Exceptional Student Education, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus | |
Michel Aponte
Associate Professor, M.S. & Psy.D. in Counseling Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Maria Moro |
Associate Professor, M.S. in Speech & Language Pathology, San Juan Campus
Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Maribella Gonzalez | Professor, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Raymi Fernandez | Director, Information Technology Systems, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Maria Perez-Abalo | Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Human Services, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Shannon Whorton | Assistant Director of Clinical Training, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Evaluate how Albizu’s mission and Strategic Plan are reflected in expectations of student learning and achievement.
§ Evaluate how Albizu ensures an evidence-based process that guarantees student learning assessments lead to outcomes that are then used to improve the student learning process.
Research Questions:
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment process at all program levels.
2. Examine the process for the dissemination, evaluation, and use of assessment results.
3. Highlight student learning examples that show innovation in both teaching and student learning outcomes.
Standard VI – Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement
The institution’s planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill its mission and goals, to continuously assess and improve its programs and services, and to respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.
Standard VI Working Group Members
Carlos Rodriguez | Special Assistant to the Chancellor, SJC | Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus | |
Luis Barreto | Director of Finance, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus | |
Maria de Lourdes Rivera
Registrar, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Doris Quero | Director of Financial Aid, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Gabriela Sifre | Director, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Maria Bustillo | Associate Professor, M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Yoel Velazquez | Director, Institutional Planning & Research, Presidency | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Richard Zonderman | Associate Professor, M.S. in Psychology & Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Sharrie Dean | Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Programs, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Carmen Garcia | Human Resources & Administration Director, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Evaluate how Albizu’s processes, resources, and structures are consistent with the University’s mission and Strategic Plan.
§ Examine how Albizu assigns resources according to new challenges in the educational and social fields.
Research Questions:
1. How do Albizu’s organizational structures, resources, and planning processes align with its mission and Strategic Plan?
2. How do Albizu’s assessment processes lead to improvements in programs and services and effectively address opportunities and challenges?
3. Show evidence of innovation in Albizu funding sources when compared with best practices from other institutions.
Standard VII – Governance, Leadership, and Administration
The institution is governed and administered in a manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, its students, and the other constituencies it serves. Even when supported by or affiliated with governmental, corporate, religious, educational system, or other unaccredited organizations, the institution has education as its primary purpose, and it operates as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.
Standard VII Working Group Members
Ricardo Del Rio |
Alumnus and Trustee
Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus | |
Diana Barroso | Director, M.S. in Psychology & Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus | |
Jorge Gonzalez-Monclova | Alumnus and Trustee | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Jose Martinez
Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Jose Rodriguez | Professor, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Nitza Rodriguez | Professor, Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate, Speech/ Language Therapy Major, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus | |
Maribel Del Rio- Roberts | Alumna and Trustee | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Sheri Feldman | Assistant Professor, Coordinator M.S. in Speech and Language Pathology, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus | |
Lilianne Martinez | Financial Aid Specialist, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
§ Evaluate how Albizu’s mission is realized through its administrative structure.
§ Examine how Albizu’s priorities are appropriate to its commitment to academic excellence.
Research Questions:
1. Identify how the assessment of Albizu’s governing structure is used in improving institutional governance?
2. How effective are the decision-making and communication processes of institutional governance in ensuring student success?
3. Examine innovation in the context of best practices in Albizu administration when compared with best practices from other institutions.
Verification of Compliance with Accreditation-Relevant Federal Regulations
MSCHE must validate Albizu’s compliance with accreditation-relevant federal regulations.
Compliance Working Group Members
Carmen Rivera |
Title IV Institutional Monitor, SJC
Working Group Co-Chair, San Juan Campus |
Julia De Llanos | Dean of Student Success, MC | Working Group Co-Chair, Miami Campus |
Maria de Lourdes Rivera
Registrar, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus |
Doris Quero | Director of Financial Aid, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus |
Hector Pena | Director of Finance, SJC | Working Group Member, San Juan Campus |
Fina Campa | Registrar, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Osmyn Gonzalez | Director of Financial Aid, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Luis Barreto | Director of Finance, MC | Working Group Member, Miami Campus |
Specific Charges:
To provide evidence of policies and procedures to verify institutional compliance in the following areas:
- Student identity verification in distance and correspondence education
- Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements
- Title IV program responsibilities
- Institutional records of student complaints
- Required information for students and the public
- Standing with state and other accrediting agencies
- Contractual relationships
- Assignment of credit hours
November 2018 |
· MSCHE Self-Study Institute, Philadelphia, PA (Steering Committee Co-chairs and ALO)
November 2018 to January 2019 |
· Develop Self-Study Design · Steering Committee (SC) co-chairs provide list of working group (WG) members · Develop Evidence Inventory – Phase I Gather Initial Evidence · Phone/video conference with MSCHE liaison · Assemble working groups for review of objectives, charges, and criteria per standard/verification of compliance
February 2019 |
· Submit Self-Study Design to the MSCHE liaison (two weeks prior to the visit) · MSCHE liaison Self-Study Preparation Visit to campus (week of Feb 25)
March 2019 |
· SC and WG begin Phase II Refine and Reference the Evidence Inventory · Revisions and final acceptance from MSCHE liaison of Self-Study Design |
April to May 2019 |
· SC and WG complete Phase II Evidence Inventory
May to July 2019 |
· WG gather and analyze data and submit first progress reports no later than July 15
September-December 2019 |
· SC co-chairs provide feedback to progress reports (September) · WG gather and analyze data and submit final reports no later than December 10
January to May 2020 |
· MSCHE Evaluation Team chair chosen; visit dates chosen; Self-Study Design sent to team chair · Self-Study drafted and shared with campus community
May to September 2020 |
· Self-Study revisions and second campus review
September to November 2020 |
· Self-Study draft sent to team chair (two weeks before visit) · Team chair Preliminary Visit · Assigned WG develops Verification of Compliance Report
December 2020 to January 2021 |
· Verification of Compliance submitted · Self-Study finalized based on team chair feedback and shared with campus
February 2021 |
· Final Self-Study/Evidence Inventory uploaded to MSCHE portal (six weeks before MSCHE On-site Evaluation Visit)
March and April 2021 |
· On-site Evaluation Team Visit (March or April); Team Visit Report received within 10 days of visit; Institutional Response prepared and submitted
June 2021 | · Commission determines accreditation action |
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